Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I'm here to save you some money. I'm tired of getting ripped off. As an artist, it's hard enough to make a living without half the crap that goes on in the art industry! These days you have to save up for a month just to buy a stupid art magazine! Why are they so expensive??? Rubyfruit has the answer to this problem right here. I've found these online mags that cost a whole, whole lot less. You can download them, print them out, refer back to them, burn them onto a disc. You get the picture. They tell you how to make Mixed Media, Papercrafts, Textiles, Polymer Clay, Jewelry Making And More . Use these babies as A transformative tool in the arts and for creative expression, baby! They're all available By Individual Issue And By Annual Subscription.

Take a gander at these zines. They're all that. I promise.

Click HERE